Senin, 27 Februari 2017

hello friends, here I will introduce, my name Nuzul Arifin commonly called nuzul, I come from the city singkawang, I was born on 07 February 1996 in the city singkawang, and now I am studying in UniversitasTanjungpura, I aspire to be a teacher of tu then I entered the faculty FKIP to achieve my future goals, and I have a hobby that is futsal and hiking, culinary.

why I continue to level University?

because I will be the ones who have the education and the character of the economic sector and improve in the field of economic education.
Tuition fees are cheap or expensive relative. However, tuition at public universities tend to be much cheaper than at private colleges, especially for entry by invitation and SBMPTN. However, if we go through self-examination, the same relative cost could be even more expensive.
Because I will increase the quality of education in Indonesia so that people in Indonesia have had the same ability to the foreign community.
And I also wanted to increase the knowledge of my education, so I can reach their future goals I to change the angle of view of society in Indonesia is still much to think that education is not important, they are more memperkerja right their children from the mensekolah right, they did not realize that education is important for the future of their children's children

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